Wednesday 18 January 2012

Great Modern Contempary Designers

Oliver Jeffers is a great exampple of how to 'Make it' in the design area of contempary design. He was born in western autrallia bacjk in 1977. He started out wanting to be a musician, playing in pubs and bars all over the place of where he lived close and far. (This was asd beeing a teenager.)

Because after a while he realised that this carrer was a heading in the wrong direction, due to not being seen or spotted as having a flare and talent for what he was performing. So, because of this, he decided to move onto painting the bands that he saw perform. This is where his carrer started as a graphic designer.

You could say that he 'Made his name' as a young contemporary artist/designer with the selection of several small exhibitions over in Belfast between the period of 1995 up to 1998. During this time, he then also started to head into the direction of becoming an illustrator, and started this by illustrating 'Book jackets' for local publishing houses.

After a few years, his 'International success' grew further due to 'How to Catch a Star'. Oliver went on to produce the fantsic follow-up of this, which is named 'Lost and Found'. This of which generated huge sales and had such an impacting effect upon publication. This then went on to win the 'Gold Award' at Nestle Children's Book Prize in 2005.

Some of his work i have put togeter below;

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