Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Birth Of Modern Horror

Edgar Allen-Poe

Edgar was hugely influential to the 'horror' genre, through not only his liturature but also his poems and short stories. Most of these were themed as 'classical' or 'gothic' tales.
You could say his whole life was a horror tale in itself due to his death, dating at 1849, was recorded as due to 'strange circumstances'. Ontop of this, all his wives ither died suspiciously young, or became seriously ill.
He had a re-noun phobia of being burried alive also, which concludes further that his mind was constantly intwined with his 'horror' themed tales. Suggesting it carried through to his lifestyle itself. His most famous peice is probably the poem "Raven".

H.P Lovecraft

Lovehearts' tales and stories involved very similar factors and themes as Edgars, yet he added a few other aspects into his, such as 'religion'. Many of his stories also incorpriated 'mythical beasts' and the theory that the 'bad' guys in a a story doesnt actually have to be somthing that already exist itself.

How did all this influence th 1980's films?

Many films had been, and were being based upon 'copied' from both Edgars' and Lovehearts' work, hence all the recreations occuring such as the short film created of the tale "Tell tale heart animatioon" which you can find easily on the net, for instance on
The greatest factor of all of these short films as such, are the newly discovered CGI (Computer generated imaging) effects. Which ended up giving the tales the finalised 'dramatic' and 'exhillerating' experience they wanted to create.

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