Wednesday 5 October 2011

How have title sequences developed? 1950's-2000's

Here are some out-standing examples of brilliant title sequences over the last 50 or so years.

  • 1950's Rawhide - Black & White, Slow, Not much info, Simple and Repetertive.
  • 1960's Twilight Zone - Much better quality than ever before, But still black & white but improved typeography.


  • 1970's Starky & Hutch - Finally colour, Faster, Much more defined and Very dramatic.


  •  1980's The A Team - Iconic music theme, Quality graphics and Iconic typogpraghy also.

  • 1990's Desperate Houswives - Extremely artistic, fancy type, increased quality and More iconic themed music.

  • 2000's Avatar - Stunning 3D Grapghics!


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