Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Bauhaus Movement

"Bauhaus" By dictonary definition is:
A school of design established in Weimar in 1919 by Walter Gropius, moved to Dessau in 1926, and closed in 1933 as a result of Nazi hostility.
The jist of the Bauhaus movement:
It was drove by thr public demand. The idea of having products made for fucntionality overid the decorational and design side. All we're also able for mass produce as a trend. So you can see the popularity in doing this, many of the followers aimed to create a 'universal aesthetic' or cominly known as an 'International style' which was then suitable for all countries, regardless of culture/tradition.
Images related to Bauhaus:

*The larger image above demonstrates how it moved from place to place across Germany

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