Wednesday 16 November 2011

Saul Bass - Origional to remakes

Born in 1920, and passing away in 1996, Saul Bass was not only one of the greatest graphic designers of the mid-20th century but the natural master of film title design thanks to his work with Alfred Hitchcock. A great example of one of these films he directed along side Alfred Hitchcock was "Physco".

Because he is most known for his graphic design work im going to show you how i focused on his design methods and techniques such as block colour, hard outlines and geographic shapes.

Below are both posters, the first being the origional, and the second that I created to be of a similar style

Edward Hopper - Origionals to remakes

 Edward Hopper was renoun for very realist-style painter of twentieth-century America. His images have become part of the very style, moverment and texture of American experience.

 Even today, thirty years after his death, it is almost impossible to see America without some refrence to his work, through others after him today.

 One of his most famous peices is the scene from the American Diner. Below are two variations of this, the first being the origional, and second being a re-creation.



The comparisons that i have concluded myseelf are the following;
  1. The actual layout, such as the shop front being curved round to the right, and the flat tall building in the background.
  2. The idea of the actual scene of the painting and photograph remake having the only light source as the one coming from the actual shop lighting.
  3. Even the attention to detail of the sizes of the windows are the same layout and size.
  4. Also again, the attention to detail comes through again with the factor of having the door in the back right hand side of the shop floor.

This is just one example of where Edward Hoppers work has been copied, recreated and been of an influence of. There are hundreds of signs, from small to large details in our day to day life.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Art Deco and how its developed

Art deco was born out of France and spread worldwide very quickly due to a exhibition that exceeded numbers into the millions that came to view the experience. Many were entrepreneurs that came from various countries and continants to not steal, but view and develop the styles they saw and take them back to were they came from.

It was born in the early 1920's till the late 1930's. Many and almost every peice created in this style of Art Deco were many things out of the following;

Organic "Look"
Speedy and "Fast"

Many famous artist impressionist were also born from this period such as René Lalique who grew on to creat many great, iconic designs we see in todays lifestyle. So in many ways, although the period 'finished' in 1939, it in a way didn't due tho the way that many designs are still even nower days influenced by the styles.

Below are examples of an origional, and a re-interpritation of the "Art Deco" style.

By francis jourdain

By IKEA furnature designers today